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Domestic marketing

We always adhere to the "four regardless" principle. That is, regardless of educational background, regardless of region, regardless of age, regardless of seniority.

Relying on these principles to create our unique talent recruitment and training assessment system: recruitment, training, use, examination, supervision, affection, six word rule. That is:

Recruit the right person. The company has extensive cooperation with major universities and well-known human resource management companies, a large number of recruitment dedicated to marketing planning, website construction, software development work of fresh graduates and talents with one to two years of work experience.

Training excellent talents. Use YBS employee training system to cultivate new employees carefully, cultivate professional skills of employees, and set up a correct outlook on life.

make the best use of one's talents. The Hr Department arranges work tasks reasonably according to employees' own conditions and specialties to fully tap the talent potential.

Improve everyone by passing the test. The Hr Department carries out performance assessment and other vocational skills assessment for employees to achieve the purpose of activating the team and motivating employees to learn and grow.

Ensure the normal growth of every employee. Establish a sound supervision mechanism and reward and punishment system, timely assessment, transfer, promotion, promotion or demotion. Implement, form standard flow and establish operating standard.

Put people first. Not only in the skills to improve, in the life to care, love, pay attention to every employee. Humanized management, to create a career to retain people, environment to retain people, treatment to retain people and emotional atmosphere.

Our talent training system has also been constantly improved in practice, and the valuable talent resources to the maximum, through the company's continuous efforts, so that more people live a rich life, happy spirit, complete the company and employees common development, common prosperity, the beautiful vision for the benefit of society.